"The training of the teacher is something far more than the learning of ideas.
It is a preparation of the spirit." —Maria Montessori

Sunday, September 18, 2011

WEEK 3 My *1st* Blog!!!

*My finished product of class-activity: Visual v. Haptic Learners*

WEEK #3 9.17.2011

Well this is exciting!  This is my first blog ever.  I still have to wrap my head around the idea of what a blog is...a "weB-LOG".  Well, here is to my journey on becoming an Art Teacher!!!  It's very exciting and I am very nervous at the same time.  Every Saturday morning, I wake up with the anticipation of going to class to learn.  My head leaves *full* but, afterall, it is a very rewarding feeling knowing that my money is worth the education I am receiving...and I am living out my passion, how amazing is that???  I used to tell my mentees at the High School that I mentored at, that I go to my classes, but it's also like going to "therapy" at the same time...painting, watercolor, collage...all my studio classes that I just get "lost-in."  Howard Gardner once said, "the creative self is like a laser beam, and nothing around it seems to exist." 

My team and I are working on building a *HIGH-SCHOOL* Unit-Plan together.  To be completely honest, I was a bit intimidated to teach at the high school level, but I believe mentoring at the high school level last Fall (2010) has helped ease my worries and I matured and developed through the whole experience. Stepping outside of anyones comfort zone is *vital* for personal growth to occur. 

I am also working on an ice-breaker idea.  So far, I am thinking of cutting up puzzle pieces out of paper.  Each student will receive a puzzle piece on the first day of class and be instructed to write their name somewhere, anywhere, they would like on their puzzle piece.  I was thinking, I would like to do the visual vs. haptic learner activity with the students as well.  We can utilize the Mona Brookes hand-out we recieved, Learning to Draw.  February, 1994.  Also, each student will have the opportunity to experience coloring with cray-pas.  All the students will have to interact with one another to put the pieces of the puzzle together.   Finally, the students will fill out a student survey.  Each student will also have a manila folder that their student surveys will be stored in.  The manila folder will act as the*student*portfolio* during our ten-week journey together...

I would like to end each entry with a prose:
" Learning and teaching should not stand on opposite banks and just watch the river flow by. 
Instead, they should embark together on a journey from the water.  Through an active, reciprocal exchange, teaching can strengthen learning how to learn."  Loris Malaguzzi, 1998.

1 comment:

  1. Love your Kandinsky/synesthesia/Mona Brooks inspired oil pastel. Can you analyze the use of space and transfer that content to other areas in your life?
    Great exercise! (THS kids have all done this so we will talk about other ideas-though this works in middle school to high school-sooo, who knows where you might use this again?).
    I am thoroughly enjoying your blog!
